Any weekend where I can be at home crossing multiple items off of my to-do list is the perfect weekend in my eyes! And that’s just what I did the last two days. On Saturday, we participated in our neighborhood’s community yard sale and actually got rid of a ton of things that were just […]
My favorite part of having a new website is the fact that I now have a dedicated home to post all of my shoots from the past year. And since my blog wasn’t up and running during wedding season, I have a bunch of beautiful wedding days coming your way! First up, Kristin & Andy! […]
When your weekend is filled with yoga- you know it was a good weekend! I was super excited to represent the studio I teach at, Grow With Me Yoga, on Saturday by guidingĀ a free community class at the lululemon showroom in Akron! It was a great group of 17 people, including my friend & fellow […]
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